with Leticia Tulissi
Fr. July 18th: “It takes two to tango”
Fundamental elements. Similarities and differences between roles: leader and follower
Sat. July 19th: “It´s all about spirals”
Up to down and down to up spirals, how to lead and how to follow
Sun. July 20th: “Let´s turn!”
Center and circule, who is turning arround who?
Leticia Tulissi lives and works in Buenos Aires. Since she was a little girl, she studies ballet, but the tango culture was always part of her life. In 2002 she started tango lessons ans since then it became herway of expressing herself.
Leticia Tulissi has learnt to dance tango with renowed teachers such as Julio Balmaceda, Corina de La Rosa, Luciana Valle, Valencia Batiuk, Dina Martinez. Over the years, Leticia Tulissi has worked with all of them in Buenos Aires and started to teach.
Since then she has built a strong method, based in deep technical knoledge without forgetting the playful aspect of this dance. The knowledge of the mechanics of the movements, the use of the body in an effortless way, connectios and joy are fundamental elements in her classes.
She has been working in Europe since 2015. Now a days she teaches at El Motivo Tango School, Universidad Católica Argentina and Universidad de Belgrano, beside private lessons.
In her classes she offers you the opportunity to explore how to share this danza with your partner without lousing yourself!

with Raffaele Rufo
Class 1: Dancing in the space between us
2h, ContactTango class
We will start by experimenting individually with the sensations of balance and falling through a practice inspired by Steve Paxton’s small dance. We will then play in contact with a partner the game of weaving nets together with fingers by following each other’s movement and placing attention on the emergence of a third space between the two bodies. We will continue this small dance duo with the hands placed on the partner’s chest by sharing different amounts of weight to feel the position of each other’s center and feet and explore moving off-axis together. The last part of the class will explore how the soft manipulation of the arms can get us safely into the lift by seeking a continuous movement around the partner and creating little moments of suspension in and out of the third space.
Class 2: The three spheres of the dancing body
2h, TangoContact class
We will start with a guided experience of awareness through touch with a partner inspired by the Feldenkreis method to help differentiate the movement of the three spheres of the body – head, torso, and pelvis – and find effortless pathways into spirals. Then we will practice spiraling freely in space around the partner’s axis with stable and rolling points of contacts. Based on this we will play with the basic “rule” of tango dancing: to face each other and move following the orientation of the partner’s torso (the stable sphere) while the head and pelvis rotate. We will conclude by trying out the tango dynamics of gyros and ochos (turning around the partner’s axis with forward, open, and backward steps) as a specific form of spiral.
A choreographer, director and pedagogue of dance and performance and a scholar of sensory perception, Raffaele crossed the borders between Europe, Africa and Australia for more than two decades working with dance and theater groups, school and university students, festivals and communities in a wide range of participatory and performative projects. He approached Tango in Italy in the 2000’s studying with various masters of the Argentine tradition and taking part in the dance company “EfectoTango” directed by Alejandro Angelica. In Melbourne he then trained in Contact-Impro and in different contemporary forms of improvisational performance (Body Weather) and somatic movement (Feldenkrais method). In 2020 he received his PhD from Deakin University for the study of touch in Tango as a practice of somatic listening. Raffaele specializes on the encounter between Tango, Contact-Impro and the Feldenkrais method as a space for experimentation and development of the language of improvisation. He taught his unique approach at several festivals including the “International Festival of Contact Improvisation and Argentine Tango” in Wuppertal (Germany) in 2018, 2020 and 2025, the “Solo and Contact Improvisation Festival” in Tyrol (Austria) in 2021, and the “Tango Contamination” festival in Strasbourg in 2022.

with Sonja Armisen
Sonja Armisen tanzt und unterrichtet Tango Argentino seit mehr als 30 Jahren und hat ihre eigene Schule in München. Anfang der 2000er hat sie eine der ersten Neotangomilongas in Europa, in München, eröffnet, 2 Electrotango CDs produziert und den TangoFusion-Dance kreiert. Sie hat schon auf vielen Neotangmarathons in ganz Europa aufgelegt und ihren TangoFusion Dance unterrichtet.
Tango Fusion Dance ist die Mischung aus Tango Argentino, Contango und Freestyle. Da sie hauptsächlich traditionellen Tango unterrichtet liegt bei ihr der Fokus auch beim TangoFusion stark auf dem traditionellen Tango, aber ohne festgelegte leader und/oder follower Rollen.
Bei ihren Workshops bringt sie Contact und freestyle Tänzern die traditionellen Tangoelemente, wie zB. Ganchos, Voleos, Baridas, Verzierungen, Moulinetten usw. näher, so das sie diese in ihren eigenen Tanzstil integrieren können und den traditionellen Tangotänzern zeigt sie wie man diese Elemente frei von festgelegten Figurenkombinationen und/oder leader + follower Schemata tanzen kann. Besonders viel Augenmerk legt sie dabei auf die Musikalität, denn egal ob traditionelle oder moderne Musik, man muss erst die Musik im eigenen Körper spüren und ausdrücken können, um sie dann frei oder in einem vorgegebenen Rahmen, alleine oder zu zweit oder mit mehreren Tanzpartnern/innen umsetzen zu können.
Tickets hier bestellen

Lo Katarina Richter
Telefon +49 (0)176 76291667
Bundesstraße 16
79199 Kirchzarten
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