mit Leticia Tulissi (BsAs) & Rafael Busch (Berlin)
Freitag 20-21.30 Uhr
Milonguero Style: Tanzen in enger Umarmung
wire in BsAs. Figuren + Musikalität
im Eurythmiesaal 1
Samstag 20-21.30 Uhr
Tango im 3/4 Takt: Vals – elegante Drehungen
im Stile von Julio Bamaceda
im Eurythmiesaal 1
Sonntag 20-21.30 Uhr
Milonga is fun!
Traditionelle Figuren im Spiel mit der Musik
im Eurythmiesaal 1
Rafael Busch ist in Freiburg geboren, tanzte Ballett am Freiburger Stadttheater und begegnete 1993 dem argentinischen Tango. Von 1995-2001 leitete er mit Anita Speiser die Freiburger Tangoschule in der Fabrik, ging dann nach Berlin und eröffnetet 2009 mit Susanne Opitz in Kreuzberg das „Tangotanzen macht schön“ mit 12 internationalen LehrerInnen. Er ist heute einer der erfolgreichsten Tangolehrer in Deutschland und bekannt für seinen präzisen, einfühlsamen und humorvollen Unterricht. Seit 2,5h studiert er am Berliner Institut „BIF“ systemische Paar- und Familientherapie, was seine Lehrtätigkeit nochmals sehr beeinflusst hat.
Bei seinem letzten Besuch in Freiburg hat er die argentinischen Profi-Tänzern Leitita Tulissi auf der Tanzfläche kennengelernt. Beim gemeinsamen Training entstand der Wunsch nach einer Zusammenarbeit.
Leticia Tulissi lives and works in Buenos Aires. Since she was a little girl, she studied ballet, but the tango culture was always part of her life. In 2002 she started tango lessons and since then it became her way of expressing herself. Leticia Tulissi has learnt to dance tango with renowned teachers such as Julio Balmaceda, Corina de La Rosa, Luciana Valle, Valencia Batiuk, Dina Martinez. Over the years Leticia Tulissi has worked with with all of them in Buenos Aires – and started to teach. Since then she has built a strong method, based in a deep technical knowledge without forgetting the playful aspect of this dance. The knowledge of the mechanic of the movement, the use of the body in an effortless way, connection and joy are fundamental elements in her classes. In her classes she offers you the opportunity to explore how to share this danza with someone else without losing yourself.
mit Julian Elizari
Freitag 20-21 Uhr
Open Air
Samstag 20-21 Uhr
Open Air
Sonntag 20-21 Uhr
Open Air
Julian Elizari Romeo was born in 1974 in Bs As, Argentina. He began taking classes with traditional tango teachers (milongueros) in Argentina. His curiosity about the movement led him to take different kinds of modern dance classes techniques from young age.
At the age of 22, he received his degree from the Institute of National Physical Education in Bs As, Argentina. Learning different Techniques, as Release, Low flow and Contact Improvisation in Bs.As. He traveled to Europe and worked at the Lilia Bertelli school of “Danza e movimento” in Florence, Italy. He was then hired as an actor and after as dance tango teacher by the Isole Compresse Theatre company, Florence, Italy. He explore always more Contact Improvisation developing his dances with different somatic and partner dances technique.
Julian has been teaching Traditional and Modern Tango argentino for more then 20 years in Europe and Argentina. Currently he teaches regulary Tango and Contact Improvisation in Berlin and Contactango in different dance Festivals in Europe.
Lo Katarina Richter
Telefon +49 (0)176 76291667
Email circu_lo@yahoo.de
Bundesstraße 16
79199 Kirchzarten
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