mit Cacu Lucero

The trio dance in contact allows us to strengthen listening and communication. Therefore, we will study the possibility of being a structure, being at the service of the other duo, using the other structures and co-creating dynamics through improvisation. Going through these possibilities, we will play to discover these possible „roles“ to use them in the tango embrace, with 2 or 3 people and the communication flows that happen within this trio. What is it like to share a walk with 3 people? Who „porposes“? Always in contact? Am I structure or do I use another structure?


Cacu Lucero, born in Mar del Plata, a city by the sea in Argentina. For more than twenty-one years, he has been teaching, dancing and developing his own way of teaching tango, paying close attention to musicality, dynamics and possibilities. Contact Impro and „Expresion Corporal dance“ had been present in the last 16 years, making a strong influence in his dancing perspective. Clown, acting lessons, Contemporary Dance, Capoeira and many other disciplines that he has studied have also had a strong influence on his particular pedagogy.

In 2011, together with Roxana Umpierr started developing „tango experimental“ which was later unified and renamed as Tangocontact. Research that is in constant development. Focusing on bringing out every person’s color. Offering possibilities that allow each person to develop his or her own dance. With joy and softness, in a playful way.

He is always teaching tangocontact and tango in Argentina and in many countries of the world. Since 2006, he has taken part in International Tango festivals both in Argentina and Europe. In addition, He has taught Tangocontact in Contact Improvisation festivals.

He is also one of the organizers of the International TAngocontact festival, which takes part in Mar del Plata, Argentina. This year is the 7th edition.
In constant movement. In constant change. Like the waves of the sea.

Exploring, merging, playing.In his own words, “I am fascinated by the possibilities of transmitting a sensation, an idea, a process… and how whoever receives it will interpret it and dance it.”


mit Ezequiel Sanucci & Lydia Müller

Ezequiel & Lydia have been doing a 15 year research about the fusion of Contact Impro and Argentinian Tango and they created their own Contango style which they are happy to share with you.

In this Intensive you will learn creative tango elements like ochos, boleos ganchos and combine them with principale of contact improvisation like rolling, sliding, touch and sensing.

They will give you inspiration to create diverse new movements which you can dance with each other in connection. This allows you to be playfull and discover new elements of this beautiful fusion. Feeling your own axis and how to use off balance to create new possibilities. Also we will play with the 4 elements to learn different movement qualities to increase creativity, diversity and flow in your dance.

Bringing in the sensitivity, touch and finess of both dances will give new impulses to connect energetically and fysically with each other. Feel the energy, flow and passion of the unique aproach of the fusion of Contango.


Ezequiel Sanucci is an all-round dance artist. For more than 30 years he’s been having an impressive career as a soloist dancer, teacher and choreographer in ballet, contemporary dance, Argentine tango, CI and more styles. He worked at many renowned dance companies in Europe and his native country Argentina and he performed in some of the most well-known theaters and festivals in the world. As a choreographer he created his own contemporary tango and contact tango style and his pieces were presented in top festivals. He is one of the pioneers of the Neotango and Contact Tango movement and an international DJ.



Lydia Müller is a professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer since 2002. She worked in various countries including Holland, Germany, Portugal, Latin America, Africa, and Singapore. She received her diploma of dance in education at Codarts, Dance Academy Rotterdam and has been working since then in several professional dance companies, Community Art projects and interactive streettheater performances. She has been performing and teaching together with Ezequiel Sanucci with their own Contemporary Tango company “Tango Now”.

Lydia is choreographing her own children dance theater performances with “Gekko Tanztheater” and streettheater performances “Tango Abrazo”.

Beside her expertise in Contact Tango, Neotango and Somatic Intimacy she also facilitates Love temples and different dance retreats in nature as Touch & Play Portugal. She offers and guides the SOMA Intimacy / Embodied Sexuality Training in Portugal. Lydia is working with conscious touch and gives private somatic sessions as well.

Her teaching approach involves guiding the group on a somatic journey of creativity, playfulness, depth, and joy. Lydia is passionate about bringing people into a deeper connection within themselves.


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Lo Katarina Richter
Telefon +49 (0)176 76291667


Bundesstraße 16
79199 Kirchzarten 


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